Anxiety tends to get a bad rap. Most people think of anxiety as a bad thing, or an annoyance to get rid of, but without anxiety we lack motivation, passion and excitement.
Excitement, EEKS that can be a double edged sword. When I say excitement here I mean something that really turns you on; an idea, a person, a song. Catch my drift?
Sometimes anxiety can be a beacon, giving us direction, or trying to show us something we might be ignoring.
With the right help, anxiety can move through us, teach us, and even guide us.
Too much though…
However, too much anxiety, or exclusively responding to life with anxiousness, can exclude other feelings from being experienced. This can leave you feeling exhausted and empty.
This is not necessary… there are other options.
Anxiety is often our autonomic nervous system misreading an experience, which happens surprisingly a lot. Especially if we are in an aroused state of mind (aka anxious!).
I’d love for more people to think of anxiety as an indicator as to how your body is responding to the events in your life. Is it seeming too much? Too little excitement? Anxiety can be such an important indicator of how your body is processing what is going on around you.
Learning more about anxiety and how to manage it can change your response to it. Taking away the negative stigma and looking at what is occurring can help you know when you need to employ an important tool like deep breathing or when you might benefit from additional support such as therapy.
We can talk more about the Autonomic Nervous System, which EVERYONE owns, at a later time. For now, knowing that our body’s natural rhythms play a role in our emotional well-being is an important tidbit to keep in mind.
Gaining these tools to calm the anxious response so that you can learn what it’s trying to tell you, well that’s empowering, isn’t it?
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I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Creative Arts Psychotherapist with almost 20 years of experience working with individuals, couples, and families. I specialize in using creativity to help people heal from traumatic events.
Arts and healing are my lifelong passions. I studied and exhibited art in California, Greece, and New York. Teaching art in Athens, Greece, whetted my appetite to connect and work with people from different cultures and walks of life. When I returned to the United States, I decided to study art and psychotherapy.