New Year, New Critical Loop

Every year when the ball drops, revelers around the nation hear the song “Auld Lang Syne” spread the message of leaving behind things we no longer want in the old year so we can bring our dreams into the new year. Some may take this literally, making grand resolutions to change themselves for the coming […]

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Good Grief: Going and Growing Through Loss

Loss, both big and small, is a part of life. In fact, we’re guaranteed to experience loss and grief at some point or another. While this difficult truth can be challenging to recognize, it ultimately lessens the discomfort when going through loss. When this reality of life is acknowledged, accepted, and approached with intention, grief […]

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Focusing, What It Means in “Therapy Terms”

Focusing, What It Means in “Therapy Terms”

The word Focusing means something very specific in the therapy world. Think of Focus, Mindfulness, and Stillness. That’s close, but the focusing I am referring to is Internal Relational Focusing (say THAT 3 times fast!). This sort of Focusing cannot be without the body. I’m not talking focusing on your crooked knees or love handles. […]

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The “F” Words (Fight, Flight, Freeze)

We all have one, a Central Autonomic Nervous System. We don’t think about it, we don’t have to do anything for it to work, it does everything on its own, and without it, we could not survive. The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) never stops doing its job. Put simply, it’s part of our early “let’s […]

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EMDR Therapy Doesn’t Have to Be a Mystery

EMDR as a tool used in therapy has gained increasing popularity over the years. Yet, exactly what it is and what really happens when it’s practiced remains mysterious. Some will talk about it being used with war Veterans to help with trauma (which is true), but its wider reach is still elusive. Because I’ve seen […]

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Anxiety gets a bad rap.

Anxiety tends to get a bad rap. Most people think of anxiety as a bad thing, or an annoyance to get rid of, but without anxiety we lack motivation, passion and excitement. Excitement, EEKS that can be a double edged sword. When I say excitement here I mean something that really turns you on; an […]

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